

发布人:     发布日期: 2022-08-18    浏览次数:






2013/09-2017/06 扬州大学AG真人国际  农学  本科  导师:郭文善教授;丁锦峰副教授

2017/09-2022/06 中国农业大学AG真人国际  作物栽培学与耕作学 博士(硕博连读) 导师:张海林教授

2022/06-至今   AG真人国际  副教授








 (3)中国农业大学研究生自主创新研究基金项目“C3C4作物对土壤有机碳的贡献及其影响因素” (2021TC106),主持。




[1] Kan, Z.R., Liu, W.X., Liu, W.S., et al., 2022. Mechanisms of soil organic carbon stability and its response to no-till: A global synthesis and perspective. Global Change Biology 28, 693-710.

[2] Kan, Z.R., Chen, Z., Wei, Y.X., et al., 2022. Contribution of wheat and maize to soil organic carbon in a wheat-maize cropping system: a field and laboratory study. Journal of Applied Ecology. (In press)

[3] Kan, Z.R., Liu, W.X., Liu, W.S., et al., 2022. Sieving soil before incubation experiments overestimates carbon mineralization but underestimates temperature sensitivity. Science of the Total Environment 806, 150962.

[4] Kan, Z.R., Han, S.W., Liu, W.X., et al., 2022. Higher sequestration of wheat versus maize crop carbon in soils under rotations. Environmental Chemistry Letters 20, 101-107.

[5] Kan, Z.R., Qi, J.Y., Liu, Q.Y., et al., 2022. Effects of conservation tillage on wheat growth duration and grain yield in the North China Plain. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 68(8), 1019-1033.

[6] Kan, Z.R., Liu, Q.Y., Virk, A.L., et al., 2021. Effects of experiment duration on carbon mineralization and accumulation under no-till. Soil and Tillage Research 209, 104939.

[7] Kan, Z.R., Virk, A.L., Wu, G., et al. 2020. Priming effect intensity of soil organic carbon mineralization under no-till and residue retention, Applied Soil Ecology 147, 103445.

[8] Kan, Z.R., Ma, S.T., Liu, Q.Y., et al. 2020. Carbon sequestration and mineralization in soil aggregates under different tillage practices, Catena 188, 104428.

[9] Kan, Z.R., Liu, Q.Y., He, C., et al. 2020. Responses of grain yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat to tillage in the North China Plain, Field Crops Research 249, 107760.

[10] Kan, Z.R., Virk, A.L., He, C., et al., 2020. Characteristics of carbon mineralization and accumulation under long-term conservation tillage. Catena 193, 104636.

[11] Kan, Z.R., Liu, Q.Y., Wu, G., et al., 2020. Temperature and moisture driven changes in soil carbon sequestration and mineralization under biochar addition. Journal of Cleaner Production 265, 121921.

[12] Kan, Z.R., He, C., Liu, Q.Y., et al., 2020. Carbon mineralization and its temperature sensitivity under no-till and straw returning in a wheat-maize cropping system. Geoderma 377, 114610.

[13] 阚正荣,濮超,祁剑英等. 施用生物炭对华北平原冬小麦土壤水分和籽粒产量的影响[J].中国农业大学学报, 2019, 24(4): 01-10.

[14] 阚正荣,马守田,祁剑英等. 施用生物炭对冬小麦光合潜力和籽粒产量的影响[J]. 麦类作物学报,2019, 39 (6): 719-727.

[15] 阚正荣,刘鹏,李超等. 施用生物炭对华北平原土壤水分和夏玉米生长发育的影响[J]. 玉米科学,2019, 27(01):142-150.



