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发布人:     发布日期: 2023-09-04    浏览次数:





2023/06-至今 AG真人国际,AG真人国际,副教授

2021/07-2023/05 中国农业大学,AG真人国际,博士后

2016/10-2021/04 德国哥廷根大学,农业土壤系,博士

2013/09-2016/06 AG真人国际,资源与环境科学学院,硕士

2009/09-2013/06 南通大学,地理科学学院,学士


1. 全球变化与农田土壤有机碳稳定性

2. 种植制度与农田生态健康

3. 土壤微生物-作物互作与反馈


1. AG真人国际高层次人才引进项目,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“多样化种植下根际沉积碳的微生物周转与固持机制研究”2023.01–2025.12,主持

3. 博士后科学基金“微塑料污染对土壤有机碳稳定性的影响及其微生物调控机制”,2022.07–2023.05,主持


1. Zhou, J., Wen,Y. , Razavi, R., Loeppmann, S., Marshall, M., Zang, H., Kuzyakov, Y., Zeng, Z., Dippold, M., Blagodatskaya, E. (2023). Labile substrate input weakens the memory effect of soil microbial functions under global warming. Catena, 232, 107381.

2. Zhou, J., Sun, T., Shi, L., Kurganova, I., de Gerenyu, V. L., Kalinina, O., Giani, L., Kuzyakov, Y. (2023). Organic carbon accumulation and microbial activities in arable soils after abandonment: A chronosequence study. Geoderma, 435, 116496.

3. Zhou, J., Wen,Y., Rillig, M., Shi, L., Dippold, D., Zeng, Z., Kuzyakov, Y., Zang, H., Jones, D., Blagodatskaya, E. (2023). Restricted power: can microorganisms maintain soil organic matter stability under warming exceeding 2 degrees? Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 909-930.

4. Zhou, J., Jia, R., Brown, R.W., Yang, Y., Zeng, Z., Jones, D.L., Zang, H. (2022). The long-term uncertainty of biodegradable mulch film residues and associated microplastics pollution on plant-soil health. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 130055.

5. Zhou, J., Guillaume, T., Wen, Y., Blagodatskaya, E., Shahbaz, M., Zeng, Z., Peixotoe, L., Zang, H.D., Kuzyakov, Y. (2022). Frequent carbon input primes decomposition of decadal soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 175, 108850.

6. Zhou, J., Gube, M., Holz, M., Song, B., Shan, I., Shi, L., Kuzyakov, Y., Dippold, M.A., Pausch, J. (2022). Ectomycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal rhizosphere fungi increase root-derived C input to soil and modify enzyme activities: A 14C pulse labelling of Picea abies seedlings. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45(10), 3122-3133.

7. Zhou, J., Li, Z., Shi, L., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J. (2022). Microbial utilization of photosynthesized carbon depends on land-use. Geoderma, 428, 116160.

8. Zhou, J., Shao, G., Kumar, A., Shi, L., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J. (2022). Carbon fluxes within tree-crop-grass agroforestry system: 13C field labeling and tracing. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 58(7), 733-743.

9. Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Cheng, H., Zang, H., Jones, D.L. (2022). Simazine degradation in agroecosystems: Will it be affected by the type and amount of microplastic pollution? Land Degradation & Development, 33(7), 1128-1136.

10. Zhou, J., Gui, H., Banfield, C.C., Wen, Y., Zang, H., Dippold, M.A., Charlton, A., Jones, D.L. (2021). The microplastisphere: Biodegradable microplastics addition alters soil microbial community structure and function. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 156, 108211.ESI高被引文章)

11. Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Marshall, M.R., Zhao, J., Gui, H., Yang, Y., Zeng, Z.H., Jones, D.L., & Zang, H. (2021). Microplastics as an emerging threat to plant and soil health in agroecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 787, 147444.ESI高被引文章)

12. Zhou, J., Wen, Y., Shi, L., Marshall, M. R., Kuzyakov, Y., Blagodatskaya, E., Zang, H. (2021). Strong priming of soil organic matter induced by frequent input of labile carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 152, 108069.ESI高被引文章)

13. Zhou, J., Gui, H., Yang, S., Yang, X., Shi, L. (2021). Fungal interactions matter: Tricholoma matsutake domination affect fungal diversity and function in mountain forest soils. Biology, 10(10), 1051.

14. Zhou, J., Zang, H., Loeppmann, S., Gube, M., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J. (2020). Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhances rhizodeposition and reduces the rhizosphere priming effect on the decomposition of soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 140, 107641.ESI高被引文章)

15. Liu, E.1, Zhou, J.1, Yang, X.1, Jin, T., Zhao, B., Wen, Y., Soldatova, E., Zamanian, Z., Gopalakrishnan, S., Mei, X., Kuzyakov, Y. (2023). Long-term organic fertilizer-induced carbonate neoformation increases carbon sequestration in soil. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 21, 1-9.

16. Nayab, G.1, Zhou, J. 1, Jia, R., Lv, Y., Yang, Y., Brown, R.W., Zang, H.D., Jones, D.L., Zeng, Z. (2022). Climate warming masks the negative effect of microplastics on plant-soil health in a silt loam soil. Geoderma, 425, 116083.

17. Qian, X.1, Zhou, J. 1, Luo, B., Dai, H., Hu, Y., Ren, C., Peixoto, L., Guo, L., Wang, C., Zamanian, K., Zhao, B., Zag, H., Zeng, Z. (2022). Yield advantage and carbon footprint of oat/sunflower relay strip intercropping depending on nitrogen fertilization. Plant and Soil, 1-14.

18. Sun, T. 1, Zhou, J. 1, Shi, L., Feng, W., Dippold, M.A., Zang, H., Kurganova, I., Lopes de Gerenyu, V., Kalinina, O., Kuzyakov, Y. (2022). Microbial growth rates, carbon use efficiency and enzyme activities during post-agricultural soil restoration. Catena, 214, 106226.